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| 2SD2141 DATASHEET | |
Компонент | Описание | Производитель | PDF | Buy |
2SD2141 | Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor(Ignitor, Driver for Solenoid and Motor, and General Purpose) | Sanken electric | | |
| *2SD214*: Расширенные результаты | |
Компонент | Описание | Производитель | PDF | Buy |
2SD2140 | isc Silicon NPN Power Transistor | Inchange Semiconductor Company Limited | | |
2SD2141 | Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor(Ignitor, Driver for Solenoid and Motor, and General Purpose) | Sanken electric | | |
2SD2141_01 | Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Transistor | Sanken electric | | |
2SD2142 | NPN Plastic Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor | SeCoS Halbleitertechnologie GmbH | | |
2SD2142 | NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor | SeCoS Halbleitertechnologie GmbH | | |
2SD2142 | TRANSISOR (NPN) | Shenzhen Jin Yu Semiconductor Co., Ltd. | | |
2SD2142K | High-gain Amplifier Transistor (32V, 0.3A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2142K | High-gain Amplifier Transistor (30V, 0.3A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2142K | High-gain Amplifier Transistor (30V, 0.3A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2142K_1 | High-gain Amplifier Transistor (30V, 0.3A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2142_11 | NPN Plastic-Encapsulate Transistor | SeCoS Halbleitertechnologie GmbH | | |
2SD2143 | Medium Power Transistor(Motor, Relay drive) (60a10V, 2A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2143 | Medium Power Transistor (Motor, Relay drive) (60a10V, 2A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2143 | Medium Power Transistor | Rohm | | |
2SD2143_09 | Medium Power Transistor (Motor, Relay drive) (60a10V, 2A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2143_12 | Medium Power Transistor | Rohm | | |
2SD2144S | High-current Gain MediumPower Transistor (20V, 0.5A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2144S | High-current Gain Medium Power Transistor (20V, 0.5A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2144STPU | High-current Gain Medium Power Transistor (20V, 0.5A) | Rohm | | |
2SD2144SV | High-current Gain MediumPower Transistor (20V, 0.5A) | Rohm | | |
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