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Компонент | Описание | Производитель | PDF | Buy |
BYD63 | Ripple blocking diode | NXP Semiconductors | | |
| *BYD*: Расширенные результаты | |
Компонент | Описание | Производитель | PDF | Buy |
L56BYD | T-1 3/4 (5MM) BLINKING LED LAMPS | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | | |
L36BYD | T-1 (3mm) blinking LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type yellow diffused. | Kingbright Corporation | | |
E816BYD | 10mm BLINKING LED LAMPS | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | | |
L796BYD | The High Efficiency Red Source Color Devices | Kingbright Corporation | | |
WP36BYD | T-1 (3mm) BLINKING LED LAMP | Kingbright Corporation | | |
WP56BYD | T-1 3/4(5mm) BLINKING LED LAMP | Kingbright Corporation | | |
L-56BYD | T-1 3/4 (5mm) BLINKING LED LAMPS | Kingbright Corporation | | |
L816BYD | 10MM BLINKING LED LAMPS | List of Unclassifed Manufacturers | | |
L616BYD | T-1 (3mm) blinking LED lamp. Yellow. Lens type yellow diffused. | Kingbright Corporation | | |
H410RBYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H41K0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H41R0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H810KBYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H810RBYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H81K0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H81M0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H81R0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H410KBYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
H41M0BYD | Axial Leaded Precision Resistors | Tyco Electronics | | |
L-796BYD | 8mm BLINKING LED LAMPS | Kingbright Corporation | | |
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