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Непрочитано 22.03.2004, 06:01  
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init_sub на пути к лучшему
По умолчанию Не могу разобраться с LCD

Купил LCD MT16S2D и не могу его заставить работать. Даташит на нее какой-то запутанный и без примера. Вроде все делаю правильно, а он не работает.

Может у кого есть рабочий пример для этого LCD? Поделитесь. пожалуйста. Или хотя бы ссылку на хороший ресурс.
init_sub вне форума  
Сказали "Спасибо" init_sub
warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 22.03.2004, 20:35  
Почётный гражданин KAZUS.RU
Аватар для DK
Регистрация: 10.05.2003
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DK на пути к лучшему
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немного не то, но близко

LCD.ASM was adapted from Microchip application note AN587 by Norm
Cramer. It provides interface routines to an industry standard 2
line by 20 character display module. The code is for a PIC16C84
but should work on any PIC16CXX running at 4MHz.

If you find bugs, problems or want to tell the author how great
a job he has done, you can contact Norm via e-mail:

;*************************************************  **************************************************  **
; Program: lcd.asm
; This program interfaces to an industry standard 2 line by 20 character display
; module. The program assembles for 4-bit data interface. LCD_DATA is the port which 
; supplies the data tothe LCD, while LCD_CNTL is the port that has the control lines 
; ( E, RS, R_W ).  The data is transfer on the high nibble of the port ( PORT‹7:4› ).
; Target: PIC16C84 - But should work on any PIC16CXX running at 4Mhz
; Note: To change the clock speed, the delays at the end of the source file need to be changed.
; References:
;       Addapted from the Microchip AN587 code.
;       OPTREX data sheet.
;       Also referenced the following web pages:
;               http://www.iaehv.nl/users/pouweha/lcd.htm
;               http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg/HTML..._LCD_tech.html
;               http://hobbes.king.ac.uk/matt/pic
;       Andrew Warren's QBasic program for calculating delays.
; History
; Author                  Date          Comments
; Microchip             05-10-94        Original Code (File name was LM032L.ASM)
; Norm Cramer           04-22-96        Modified to only use 4 bit interface and to not destroy the
;                                       contents of the lower portion of the output register and the
;                                       output register TRIS.  Changed the examples to include a table
;                                       definition using the "dt" compiler directive.  Added delay 
;                                       subroutines for testing.  Changed Check_Busy to Wait_Busy and
;                                       added a Check_Busy that returns 0 if not busy, ff if busy.  
;                                       Modified to meet my programming standards for easy maint.
		ERRORLEVEL      -302
		Processor       16C84
		Radix           HEX

       include ‹p16c84.inc›
       include ‹lcd.h›

LCD_DATA         EQU     PORTB
LCD_CNTL         EQU     PORTA
; LCD Display Commands and Control Signal names.
E       EQU     3       ; LCD Enable control line
R_W     EQU     1       ; LCD Read/Write control line
RS      EQU     2       ; LCD Register Select control line
	cblock  0x00c
		Temp1, Temp, Char, r1, r2, r3, r4
	org     _ResetVector       ; RESET vector location
	goto    Start
; This is the Periperal Interrupt routine. Should NOT get here
	org     _IntVector      ; Interrupt vector location
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Bank 0
	goto    ERROR1
Start:                          ; POWER_ON Reset (Beginning of program)
	clrf    STATUS          ; Do initialization (Bank 0)
	clrf    INTCON
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Bank 1
	clrf    TRISA           ; RA5 -  0 outputs
	movlw   0xF0            ;
	movwf   TRISB           ; RB7 - 4 inputs, RB3 - 0 outputs 
	bsf     OPTION_REG, NOT_RBPU  ; Disable PORTB pull-ups
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Bank 0

	clrf    PORTA           ; ALL PORT output should output Low.
	clrf    PORTB
	call    LCD_Init        ; Set up the LCD Module
;Send a message the hard way
	movlw   'M'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'i'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'c'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'r'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'o'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'c'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'h'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'i'
	call    Send_Char
	movlw   'p'
	call    Send_Char

	movlw   LINE2           ; Address DDRam first character, second line
	call    Send_Cmd
;Demonstration of the use of a table to output a message

	movlw   0               ; Table address of start of message
	movwf   Temp1           ; Temp1 holds start of message address
	call    Table
	andlw   0FFh            
	btfsc   STATUS,Z        ; Check if at end of message (zero returned at end)
	goto    out             
	call    Send_Char       ; Display character
	movf    Temp1,w         ; Point to next character
	addlw   1
	goto    dispmsg

	goto    loop            ; Stay here forever

	addwf   PCL,f           ; Jump to character
	dt      "This is a test line!" ; 20 Character string terminated with a 0
	retlw   0
; Check to ensure table doesn't cross a page boundary.
	if ( (Table & 0x0FF) ›= (Table_End & 0x0FF) )
       MESSG   "Warning - User Definded: Table crosses page boundry in computed jump"

;*************************************************  ******************
;* The LCD Module Subroutines                                      *
;*************************************************  ******************
;*************************************************  ******************
;*SendChar - Sends character to LCD                                *
;*This routine splits the character into the upper and lower       * 
;*nibbles and sends them to the LCD, upper nibble first.           *
;*************************************************  ******************
	movwf   Char            ; Character to be sent is in W
	call    Wait_Busy       ; Wait for LCD to be ready
	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	movf    Char,w          
	andlw   0xF0            ; Get upper nibble
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, R_W   ; Set LCD to write
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, RS    ; Set LCD to data mode
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; toggle E for LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E
	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	swapf   Char,W
	andlw   0xF0            ; Get lower nibble
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; toggle E for LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E

;*************************************************  ******************
;* Send_Cmd - Sends command to LCD                                 *
;* This routine splits the command into the upper and lower        * 
;* nibbles and sends them to the LCD, upper nibble first.          *
;*************************************************  ******************

	movwf   Char            ; Character to be sent is in W
	call    Wait_Busy       ; Wait for LCD to be ready
	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	movf    Char,w          
	andlw   0xF0            ; Get upper nibble
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL,R_W    ; Set LCD to write
	bcf     LCD_CNTL,RS     ; Set LCD to command mode
	bsf     LCD_CNTL,E      ; toggle E for LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL,E
	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	swapf   Char,W
	andlw   0xF0            ; Get lower nibble
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD
	bsf     LCD_CNTL,E      ; toggle E for LCD
	bcf     LCD_CNTL,E
;*************************************************  ******************
;* This routine checks the busy flag, returns when not busy        *
;*  Affects:                                                       *
;*      Temp - Returned with busy/address                          *
;*************************************************  ******************
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0xf0            ; Set port to input
	iorwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W ; Only set upper half of port
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, RS    ; Set LCD for Command mode
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, R_W   ; Setup to read busy flag
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Set E high
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Set E low
	movf    LCD_DATA, W     ; Read upper nibble busy flag, DDRam address
	andlw   0xF0            ; Mask out lower nibble
	movwf   Temp
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Toggle E to get lower nibble
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E
	swapf   LCD_DATA, w     ; Read lower nibble busy flag, DDRam address
	andlw   0x0F            ; Mask out upper nibble
	iorwf   Temp,W          ; Combine nibbles
	btfsc   Temp, 7         ; Check busy flag, high = busy
	goto    Wait_Busy       ; If busy, check again
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, R_W        
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0x0F
	andwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS   ; Set Port for output
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0
;*************************************************  ******************
;* This routine checks the busy flag, returns ff if busy 00 if not *
;* busy.  Temp will contain the current address.                   *
;*                                                                 *
;*  Affects:                                                       *
;*      Temp - Returned with busy/address                          *
;*************************************************  ******************
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0xf0            ; Set port to input
	iorwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W ; Only set upper half of port
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, RS    ; Set LCD for Command mode
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, R_W   ; Setup to read busy flag
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Set E high
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Set E low
	movf    LCD_DATA, W     ; Read upper nibble busy flag, DDRam address
	andlw   0xF0            ; Mask out lower nibble
	movwf   Temp
	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Toggle E to get lower nibble
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E
	swapf   LCD_DATA, w     ; Read lower nibble busy flag, DDRam address
	andlw   0x0F            ; Mask out upper nibble
	iorwf   Temp,W          ; Combine nibbles
	btfsc   Temp, 7         ; Check busy flag, high = busy
	goto    Busy_Exit       ; If busy exit with busy flag set

	bcf     LCD_CNTL, R_W        
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0x0F
	andwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS   ; Set Port for output
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0
	retlw   0x00

	bcf     LCD_CNTL, R_W        
	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0x0F
	andwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS   ; Set Port for output
	bcf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0
	retlw   0xff
; Initilize the LCD Display Module

	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Clear all controll lines
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, RS
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, R_W

	call    Delay15000      ; Wait for 15ms for LCD to get powered up

	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	movlw   0x030           ; Command for 4-bit interface high nibble
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD      

	bsf     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 1
	movlw   0x0F
	andwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS,W
	movwf   LCD_DATA_TRIS   ; Set Port for output
	BCF     STATUS, RP0     ; Select Register page 0

	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Clock the initalize command to LCD module
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E

	call    Delay4100       ; Delay for at least 4.1ms before continuing

	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Clock the initalize command to LCD module
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E
	call    Delay100        ; delay for at least 100usec before continuing

	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Clock the initalize command to LCD module
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E

	call    Wait_Busy       ; From here on, the Busy Bit will be valid.

	movlw   0x0f
	andwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Clear the upper nibble
	movlw   0x020           ; Command for 4-bit interface high nibble (Really an 8bit command but
				;   lower 4 bits are don't care at this point)
	iorwf   LCD_DATA,F      ; Send data to LCD      

	bsf     LCD_CNTL, E     ; Clock the initalize command to LCD module
	bcf     LCD_CNTL, E

	movlw   FUNCTION_SET    ; Send the function set command 4-bit I/F, Font, Number of lines
	call    Send_Cmd        ; Can now use the Send_Cmd routine since Busy Bit Valid and in 4bit mode.
	movlw   DISP_OFF
	call    Send_Cmd
	movlw   DISP_ON
	call    Send_Cmd
	movlw   ENTRY_INC
	call    Send_Cmd

; LCD Module is now initalized

; Delay routines.  These routines need to be modified to work with the particular PIC configuration
; used.  For test purposes, they are instruction count delays based on 4Mhz PIC.  The delays are a 
; little longer than advertised but close enough for testing.

	movlw   d'252'
	movwf   r1
	movlw   4
	movwf   r2
	movlw   1
	movwf   r3
	movlw   1
	movwf   r4
	decfsz  r1,f
	goto    delay_loop
	decfsz  r2,f
	goto    delay_loop
	decfsz  r3,f
	goto    delay_loop
	decfsz  r4,f
	goto    delay_loop

	movlw   d'22'
	movwf   r1
	movlw   1
	movwf   r2
	movlw   1
	movwf   r3
	movlw   1
	movwf   r4 
	goto    delay_loop

	movlw   d'156'
	movwf   r1
	movlw   15
	movwf   r2
	movlw   1
	movwf   r3
	movlw   1
	movwf   r4 
	goto    delay_loop
DK вне форума  
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warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 23.03.2004, 05:25  
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init_sub на пути к лучшему
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Так выходит, что все похожие LCD управляются одинаково?
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warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 23.03.2004, 10:12  
Почётный гражданин KAZUS.RU
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DK на пути к лучшему
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да, многие (ширпотребовские) строятся на одних и тех же контроллерах (или похожих) и, соответственно, совместимы по командам.
DK вне форума  
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warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 30.03.2004, 05:40  
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init_sub на пути к лучшему
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Блин! Все равно не работает, перепробовал кучу вариантов. Есть подозрение, что может просто слишком маленькая контрастность.

Вот прочитал на http://www.gaw.ru/html.cgi/txt/lcd/c...4780/start.htm про то, что сначала еще до инициализации нужно подстроить резистором контрастность, а у меня там нет резистора на этом выводе. Могут грабли быть в этом? И действительно можно без пика увидеть сегменты на дисплее?[/url]
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Сказали "Спасибо" init_sub
warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 30.03.2004, 08:34  
Аватар для mikesmith
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Вот, читай : https://kazus.ru/modules.php?name=Ne...rder=0&thold=0

Резистор надо самому впаивать. и еще... У разный модификаций выводы питания (1,2) могут быть наоборот.
C уважением, Михаил
Ищите даташиты на KAZUS.RU: http://kazus.ru/datasheets/index.html
mikesmith вне форума  
Сказали "Спасибо" mikesmith
warel (24.06.2019)
Непрочитано 02.04.2004, 04:40  
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init_sub на пути к лучшему
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Вот блин! У меня оказывается все работало, просто я не видел этого Как впаял резистор, так сразу все появилось. Всё, всем спасибо
init_sub вне форума  
Сказали "Спасибо" init_sub
warel (24.06.2019)

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