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По умолчанию Re: Книги


Despite it’s relatively old age, the 8051 is one of the most popular microcontrollers in use today. Many derivative microcontrollers have since been developed that are based on--and compatible with--the 8051. Thus, the ability to program an 8051 is an important skill for anyone who plans to develop products that will take advantage of microcontrollers.
Many web pages, books, and tools are available for the 8051 developer.
I hope the information contained in this document/web page will assist you in mastering 8051 programming. While it is not my intention that this document replace a hardcopy book purchased at your local book store, it is entirely possible that this may be the case. It is likely that this document contains everything you will need to learn 8051 assembly language programming. Of course, this document is free and you get what you pay for so if, after reading this document, you still are lost you may find it necessary to buy a book.
This document is both a tutorial and a reference tool. The various chapters of the document will explain the 8051 step by step. The chapters are targeted at people who are attempting to learn 8051 assembly language programming. The appendices are a useful reference tool that will assist both the novice programmer as well as the experienced professional developer.
This document assumes the following:
• A general knowledge of programming.
• An understanding of decimal, hexidecimal, and binary number systems. For some background information on these number systems, try this link.
• A general knowledge of hardware.

Скачать: http://uploading.com/files/VOW3A3XX/8051_Tutorial.pdf/

Зеркало: http://depositfiles.com/files/wuc63nzwl
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По умолчанию Re: Книги

"Advanced Signal Processing and Digital Noise Reduction"

Saeed V. Vaseghi, 2000

They say there are feral parrots in L.A. The first-generation escapees all say "Polly wanna cracker." The second generation says "Pawa-wawa-caca." The third generation says "Squaaaaawk." This is a third-generation text on signal processing. It touches on many signal processing topics, but something has been lost. Although signal processing is a field in which the applications drive the mathematics every step of the way, that essential connection to applications is very weak here. The book grinds out definition after definition, derivation after derivation, with little real-world motivation or insight. Some of the topics seem disconnected, addressed more out of a sense of duty than passion. Compounding the unpleasantness, the book is filled with typos and grammatical errors. Save your time and money for something better.


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amito66 (06.09.2009)
Непрочитано 06.09.2009, 11:09  
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"10 увлекательнеых проектов аналоговой электротехники "

Хернитер Марк Е., 2008

В этой книге рассматриваются несколько случаев и примеров разработки проектов, отобранных с одной, ярко выраженной целью, — продемонстрировать читателям несколько полезных стильных «штучек», которые могут быть созданы с использованием аналоговой техники. Подобные примеры поощряют далее изучать аналоговую электронику, а также демонстрируют, в каких областях техники аналоговая электроника все еше сохраняет свой немалый потенциал. В качестве примеров схемотехнических решений были выбраны: схема управления вентилятором, предназначенным для задувания пламени свечи, с использованием полупроводникового диода в качестве температурного датчика, датчик присутствия кровососущих летающих насекомых, использующий ИК-диод и фототранзистор, электрошок, развивающий напряжение на выходных электродах порядка 1 000 В при питании схемы от батареек с напряжением 18 В, схема умножителя напряжения, а также схема управления частотой вращения электродвигателя постоянного тока.
Издание может быть полезно радиолюбителям начинающего и среднего уровня подготовки, а также студентам младших курсов, изучающих аналоговую электронику.


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achertkov (26.02.2010), amito66 (06.09.2009), kard (07.10.2009), PVitaly (07.12.2009), Stjopa (03.01.2011)
Непрочитано 06.09.2009, 11:15  
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"An Embedded Software Primer"

David E. Simon, 2005

I developed an introductory embedded systems class for university graduate students, and searched for a book that would provide both introductory and low-level information, with the assumption that students may come from different backgrounds in engineering and computer science. Based on my own industry experience, I wanted a book that started at the metal and explained the fundamentals so students learned from the ground up. This book fit the bill. It begins with the important hardware concepts and ties them directly to their applicability to embedded systems, and then jumps into timing diagrams, interrupts, buses and memory in a straightforward manner.

The book continues with different types of software architectures and operating system services, with hard examples that are easy to understand. A very important chapter covers debugging techniques. Since a large chunk of time is spend debugging embedded systems, it is important to see that directly addressed in an introductory book. The only topic missing was really basic software programming, which is necessary for those with little software experience. But this does not detract from the topics covered.

I taught the chapters of this book a little out of order, addressing the development tools and debugging techniques (later chapters) earlier in the process. Simon provides a chapter dependency flow chart that assists in different learning paths.

The book was a wonderful launching point for tying learning with designing embedded systems in industry. It was well received by the students, who had had absolutely no idea what an embedded system was, even though we discovered together that they all owned tons of them.

Very well done!

Lisa Simone If I Only Changed the Software, Why is the Phone on Fire?: Embedded Debugging Methods Revealed: Technical Mysteries for Engineers

Часть 1: http://uploading.com/files/A37PYFHE/...er_.part1.rar/
Часть 2: http://uploading.com/files/QNO2FR8A/...er_.part2.rar/
Часть 3: http://uploading.com/files/ZVM4AR7J/...er_.part3.rar/
Часть 4: http://uploading.com/files/CX303XVR/...er_.part4.rar/

Часть 1: http://depositfiles.com/files/0753cpeaz
Часть 2: http://depositfiles.com/files/baq6g6hod
Часть 3: http://depositfiles.com/files/9zg069yy2
Часть 4: http://depositfiles.com/files/53w24vvko
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amito66 (06.09.2009)
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"Analog Circuits and Devices (Principles and Applications in Engineering #6)"

Wai-fah Chen

The Principles and Application in Engineering Series is a new series of convenient, economical references sharply focused on particular engineering topics and subspecialties. Each volume in this series comprises chapters carefully selected from CRC's bestselling handbooks, logically organized for optimum convenience, and thoughtfully priced to fit every budget. Extracted from the best-selling VLSI Handbook, Analog Circuits and Devices provides a comprehensive resource covering the spectrum of devices and their models. In addition to practical discussions on amplifiers, circuits and filters, and compound semiconductor digital integrated circuit technology, it also includes chapters on design automation, design languages, and algorithms and architectures.

Часть 1: http://uploading.com/files/LHDQOK0B/...ces.part1.rar/
Часть 2: http://uploading.com/files/YRSIUVP1/...ces.part2.rar/

Часть 1: http://depositfiles.com/files/tjrrcl8is
Часть 2: http://depositfiles.com/files/s9piqnr5b
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"BIOS Setup. Полное руководство"

В. В. Якусевич

Данная книга полностью посвящена такой нестандартной теме из мира персональных компьютеров, как системный BIOS ПК и его оптимизация. Это издание поможет вам разобраться в настройках, осуществляемых в BIOS Setup, расскажет о назначении опций, прояснит, к чему приведет установка того или иного значения.

Кроме рассказа непосредственно о BIOS Setup, в предлагаемой книге весьма детально рассматриваются внутренняя архитектура компьютера, шинные и периферийные интерфейсы и многое другое. О глубине изложения материала свидетельствует и аппаратный уровень, затрагиваемый при описании опций, - это регистры чипсета и процессора, шинные буферы, порты ввода/вывода, интерфейсные команды и т. д.

Несомненным плюсом данного издания является и широчайший охват всевозможных модификаций BIOS. В книге прослежено развитие опций BIOS Setup всех фирм-производителей BIOS, причем учтены и модификации, осуществляемые производителями материнских плат, а хронология описания начинается с систем на 286-х процессорах и заканчивается самыми современными компьютерами. Исходя из всего этого можно с уверенностью сказать, что вы обязательно найдете в этом издании ответ на любой вопрос, связанный с оптимизацией BIOS Setup компьютера.

В конце книги приведен алфавитный список опций BIOS Setup, позволяющий оперативно найти описание любой опции.

Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей и несомненно будет интересна и полезна как специалистам, так и начинающим пользователям персональных компьютеров.


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По умолчанию Re: Книги

"C++ Programming How To"

This document provides a comprehensive list of C++ URL pointers, links to C++ online textbooks, and
programming tips on C++. This document also provides a C++ library which imitates Java−language, and
which has various methods to avoid memory problems in C++. Using this library you can compile Java's
source code under C++. This document serves as a "Home of C++ language". The information given here
will help you to program properly in C++ language and applies to all the operating systems that is − Linux,
MS DOS, BeOS, Apple Macintosh OS, Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, OS/2, IBM OSes (MVS, AS/400
etc..), VAX VMS, Novell Netware, all flavors of Unix like Solaris, HPUX, AIX, SCO, Sinix, BSD, etc.. and to
all other operating systems which support "C++" compiler (it means almost all the operating systems on this


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"Broadband Microstrip Antennas"

Girish Kumar, 2003

This new, cutting-edge microstrip antenna book gives professionals the first exhaustive coverage of broadband techniques, including the most up-to-date information to help them choose and design the optimum broadband microstrip antenna configurations for their applications. The book shows practitioners how to take advantage of the lightweight, low volume benefits of these antennas, by providing clear explanations of the various configurations and simple design equations that help them analyze and design microstrip antennas with speed and confidence.


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Непрочитано 06.09.2009, 12:06  
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"C++ Primer 4TH Edition"

Stanley B Lippman, 2005

Четвёртое издание значительно отличается от третьего. Книга была существенно переработана. Как пишут авторы во введении, центральное место было отдано стандартной библиотеке и одновременно меньше внимания уделено программированию на низком уровне.

"C++ Primer is well known as one of the best books for learning C++ and is useful for C++ programmers of all skill levels. This Fourth Edition not only keeps this tradition alive, it actually improves on it."--Steve Vinoski, Chief Engineer, Product Innovation, IONA Technologies "The Primer really brings this large and complex language down to size."--Justin Shaw, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Electronic Programs Division, The Aerospace Corporation "It not only gets novices up and running early, but gets them to do so using good programming practices."--Nevin "" Liber, Senior Principal Engineer (C++ developer since 198 This popular tutorial introduction to standard C++ has been completely updated, reorganized, and rewritten to help programmers learn the language faster and use it in a more modern, effective way. Just as C++ has evolved since the last edition, so has the authors' approach to teaching it. They now introduce the C++ standard library from the beginning, giving readers the means to write useful programs without first having to master every language detail. Highlighting today's best practices, they show how to write programs that are safe, can be built quickly, and yet offer outstanding performance. Examples that take advantage of the library, and explain the features of C++, also show how to make the best use of the language. As in its previous editions, the book's authoritative discussion of fundamental C++ concepts and techniques makes it a valuable resource even for more experienced programmers. Program Faster and More Effectively with This Rewritten Classic Restructured for quicker learning, using the C++ standard library Updated to teach the most current programming styles and program design techniques Filled with new learning aids that emphasize important points, warn about common pitfalls, suggest good programming practices, and provide general usage tips Complete with exercises that reinforce skills learned Authoritative and comprehensive in its coverage The source code for the book's extended examples is available on the Web at the address below.www.awprofessional.com/cpp_primer


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"C++ Primer Plus 5TH Edition"

Stephen Prata, 2004

Для некоторых книжка С++ Primer может оказаться слишком сложной. В этом случае советуют читать C++ Primer Plus. Данное четвёртое издание - не последнее. К сожалению, пятого издания мне найти пока не удалось, также как и переводов на русский язык.

If you are new to C++ programming, C++ Primer Plus, Fifth Edition is a friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide. You will cover the latest and most useful language enhancements, the Standard Template Library and ways to streamline object-oriented programming with C++. This guide also illustrates how to handle input and output, make programs perform repetitive tasks, manipulate data, hide information, use functions and build flexible, easily modifiable programs. With the help of this book, you will: Learn C++ programming from the ground up. Learn through real-world, hands-on examples. Experiment with concepts, including classes, inheritance, templates and exceptions. Reinforce knowledge gained through end-of-chapter review questions and practice programming exercises. C++ Primer Plus, Fifth Edition makes learning and using important object-oriented programming concepts understandable. Choose this classic to learn the fundamentals and more of C++ programming.


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