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PIC Microcontrollers eBooks

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

Все электронные книги -> Microcontrollers -> PIC


Страницы: 1 [2] [ PIC ebooks ]

Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro compiler Experimenting with the PicBasic Pro compiler

180 pages.

For all users of the excellent PicBasic Pro Compiler from microEngineering Labs. This excellent publication contains a wealth of projects and building blocks that slot straight into your programs. With 180 pages and 80 diagrams that illustrate exactly what goes where. The book is also accompanied by a CDROM containing the source code for the experiments discussed as well as the datasheets for all the semiconductor devices used.

Kit 81. Simple PICmicro® Programmer / Experimenter Kit 81. Simple PICmicro® Programmer / Experimenter

The first thing to do is inspect the PCB for shorted or open tracks or other
damage. When you are satisfied that all is well, then you can proceed.
Start with the flattest parts first, which is the wire link near the parallel port
connector. After that you can start placing the resistors. Hold each resistor body
by the thumb and forefinger and use your other hand to loosely bend both of the
leads over at right angles at the same time. Try not to make the bends too sharp,
and you will find that they slide straight into the mounting holes on the board...

PIC Microcontroller Project Book PIC Microcontroller Project Book

What can you do with PIC microcontrollers? Practically anything from creating robots that hunt light to feed their solar cells to making toasters announce, `Your toast is ready`. These low-cost (about $7) computers-in-a-chip are 20X faster than the more costly Basic Stamps, and they’re almost as easy to use. The PIC Microcontroller Project Book gives you hands-on directions for putting these chips to work. Starting with simple projects and experiments, this book leads you gradually into sophisticated programming techniques using Microchip`s free MPLAB compiler and the BASIC programming language. No previous programming experience is necessary. John Iovine coaches you through every single step.

PIC microcontrollers PIC microcontrollers

PIC microcontrollers : low-cost computers-in-a-chip; they allow electronics designers and hobbyists add intelligence and functions that mimic big computers for almost any electronic product or project. The purpose of this book is not to make a microcontroller expert out of you, but to make you equal to those who had someone to go to for their answers. Book contains many practical examples, complete assembler instruction set, appendix on MPLAB program package and more...
Страницы: 1 [2] [ PIC ebooks ]
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