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AC Power Systems Handbook eBook

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AC Power Systems Handbook ebooks

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Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion Handbook of Multisensor Data Fusion

Authors: David L. Hall, James Llina
Format: Hardcover, 568pp.
ISBN: 0849323797
Publisher: CRC Press
Pub. Date: 2001

The emerging technology of multisensor data fusion has a wide range of applications, both in Department of Defense (DoD) areas and in the civilian arena. The techniques of multisensor data fusion draw from an equally broad range of disciplines, including artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, and statistical estimation. With the rapid evolution of computers and the maturation of data fusion technology, the door to using data fusion in everyday applications is now wide open and presenting great opportunities.

Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems

Format: Hardcover (ISBN: 0750655585)
Date Published: 10/01/2002 (published by Butterworth-Heinemann)
528 pages
Co-Author: M. McCormick , A. Dinu , J. G. Khor

Modern Control Technology, Components and Systems Modern Control Technology, Components and Systems

Author: Christopher T. Kilian
Edition: 002
Product Type: Books
ISBN: 076682358X
Copyright: 2001

Modern Control Technology: Components and Systems, 2nd Edition provides an introduction to automatic control systems and components that is both comprehensive and up-to-date. Logically organized, this book takes the reader on a journey through a control system. Each chapter examines a different functional part, followed by discussion of control units and control strategies that serves to put these parts together in a full-function control system. The text emphasizes not only on how things work, but also how they work together. Thoroughly updated, this edition features new material on popular PIC and BASIC Stamp microcontrollers, plus expanded coverage of brushless DC motors, as well as networking used in control systems. Information has also been added to better address topics such as: decibels, levers, friction, clutches and brakes, tooth rotor tachometers, vision sensors, dynamic braking of DC motors, linear motors, and flux vector AC drives.

Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear Systems Stable Adaptive Control and Estimation for Nonlinear Systems

545 Pages, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4 in.
Item #: 0471415464
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control Series
Jeffrey T. Spooner (Sandia National Laboratories); Manfredi Maggiore (Univ. of Toronto); Raúl Ordóñez (Univ. of Dayton); Kevin M. Passino (The Ohio State Univ.)
Includes a solution manual for problems. * Provides MATLAB code for examples and solutions. * Deals with robust systems in both theory and practice.

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