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Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers eBook

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers ebooks

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Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Networks

Alexey L. Lastovetsky
423 pages

* New approaches to parallel computing are being developed that make better use of the heterogeneous cluster architecture
* Provides a detailed introduction to parallel computing on heterogenous clusters
* All concepts and algorithms are illustrated with working programs that can be compiled and executed on any cluster
* The algorithms discussed have practical applications in a range of real-life parallel computing problems, such as the N-body problem, portfolio management, and the modeling of oil extraction.

QoS in Integrated 3G Networks QoS in Integrated 3G Networks

Robert Lloyd-Evans
Artech House, Hardcover, Published July 2002

The book describes the factors governing quality in integrated third generation mobile networks, dealing with issues arising from both fixed networks and their protocols, as well as the mobile part. Considerable attention is devoted to features of specific application types likely to be run over the integrated network. Moreover, you get comprehensive coverage of leading-edge technologies, including WCDMA, cdma2000, and GPRS.

A Security Blueprint for Enterprise Networks A Security Blueprint for Enterprise Networks

The SAFE Blueprint from Cisco Systems® is a secure blueprint for enterprise networks. Its principle goal is to provide best practices information on designing and implementing secure networks. SAFE takes a defense-in-depth approach to network security design, serving as a guide to network designers considering the security requirements of their networks.

Frame Relay for High-Speed Networks Frame Relay for High-Speed Networks

by Walter Goralski
Hardcover: 410 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (February 4, 1999)

Emerging new applications for a mature technology. Frame relay has recently emerged as a popular interface choice for today`s high-speed services, including videoconferencing, SNA networking, voice-over data, and high-speed Internet access itself.

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