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Mastering MS Visual C eBook

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

Mastering MS Visual C ebooks

Найдено: 14     Показано: 1 - 4

MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-310):Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Visual Basic MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-310):Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Visual Basic

Reihe: Que
Author: Mike Gunderloy
Verlag: QUE Publishing
Seiten: 986
Erschienen: April 2003

Editor Ed Tittel, the leading authority on IT certification.
Training Guide Series is Cramsession Approved Study Material.
Each Training Guide is subjected to rigorous technical review by a team of industry experts, ensuring content is superior in both coverage and technical accuracy.

Mastering Distributed Application Design and Development using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Curriculum Mastering Distributed Application Design and Development using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Curriculum

Self-Paced e-Learning
System Req: 486DX 33Mhz CPU.
Microsoft Windows 3.1x or higher and a Microsoft compatible mouse.
At least 8MB RAM. VGA monitor with at least 512K video RAM running in 640 x 480 or higher resolution.
Double-speed (or higher) CD-ROM drive.
NASBA credits: 4 CPE Credits Per Course
ITCAP credits: 1.5 Credit Hours
CEU credits: 2.10 CEUs
Total Learning Time: 18 to 24 hours
Number of Titles: 3

C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide

Pages: 456; Edition: 1st.

C# was developed from the ground up to serve as the main language for Microsoft`s new .NET framework--and to compete with Java. C# Web Development for ASP.NET: Visual QuickStart Guide is aimed at beginning developers who may have experience with scripting languages but are not necessarily experienced with object-oriented languages. Using task-based examples and hundreds of screenshots, all code examples are presented in the context of ASP.NET development, aimed at Web developers.

Developing Web Applications with Visual Basic.NET and ASP.NET Developing Web Applications with Visual Basic.NET and ASP.NET

John Alexander, Billy Hollis
400 pages.

John Alexander and bestselling author Billy Hollis show programmers how to develop enterprise-level Web applications using Microsoft`s popular programming language--Visual Basic.NET.

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