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TCPIP Tutorial and Technical Overview eBook

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TCPIP Tutorial and Technical Overview ebooks

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The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial & Reference The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial & Reference

by Nicolai Josuttis
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Pages: 800

C++ programming literature has been giving much of its attention to the STL in the last couple of years, authors and publishers jumping on this new bandwagon. As usual some of the books were bad, but also some have been very good.

A Guide to Forensic Testimony: The Art and Practice of Presenting Testimony As An Expert Technical Witness A Guide to Forensic Testimony: The Art and Practice of Presenting Testimony As An Expert Technical Witness

by Fred Chris Smith, Rebecca Gurley Bace
Paperback: 560 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st edition (October 9, 2002)

Addresses the specific needs of the IT expert witness. Focuses on how digital evidence and computer forensics are altering litigation. Your guide to the complicated forensic landscape that awaits the expert technical witness.

Mathematica Tutorial Mathematica Tutorial

Many of the exercise sets in Thomas’ Calculus, Tenth Edition and Thomas’ Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Tenth Edition
contain Computer Algebra System (CAS) exercises, grouped in special sections labeled “Computer Explorations”, which can be
solved using Mathematica. In addition to the CAS exercises, the Thomas’ Calculus CD-ROM and Web Site contain a collection
of 38 Mathematica modules designed to help students develop a geometric intuition and deeper understanding and appreciation
of calculus concepts, methodologies, and applications.

TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview

by Adolfo Rodriguez, John Gatrell, John Karas, Roland Peschke
Paperback: 992 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 7 edition (October 22, 2001)

Comprehensive, authoritative introduction to the protocols that drive the Internet. Covers internetworking, routing, transport protocols, multicast, and more. Includes detailed coverage of the latest trends in networking and infrastructure.

Страницы: 1
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