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Crystal 32768KHz CMOS Oscillator circuit

Пример: Infrared control system

Crystal 32768KHz CMOS Oscillator

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Crystal DAC
Category: Аудио
Source: Zeus Lab Pages
Crystal Radio Amplifier (16k) An unusual amplifier that gives room-filling volume with a few parts.
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Category: Аудио
Source: Wenzel Associates
Audio Oscillator- Modified Wein Bridge
Category: Аудио
Source: DIBs Circats
Four/Five Channel RC Cars - TX and RX circuits using metal gate CMOS instead of custom chips.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Delayed Off Light Switch - Rated for use with incadescent loads. This is an unusual design in that it uses plain metal gate CMOS logic instead of the usual PIC or a custom chip. The 22uF capacitor charges up during one half of the ac cycle, and supplies trigger current to the triac on both halves.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Morse practice oscillator
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: CircuitoZ
A Clock Doubling Circuit (500KHz) for CMOS logic
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Circuits Arсhive- University of Washington
TWIN-T AUDIO SINE WAVE OSCILLATOR. This circuit produces a clean sine wave signal ideal for audio testing, or wherever a good-quality sine voltage source is required. It uses only one integrated circuit which is a common dual operational amplifier, the Texas Instruments TL072CP. The values shown provide an output frequency of about 1000 Hertz. This frequency may be varied over a wide range, using the formula shown in the schematic.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
ECHO TONE OSCILLATOR. This simple circuit amplitude-modulates a single tone in such a manner to approximate the echo effect one might obtain, for instance, with sonar apparatus. Any reader who has been on a sonar-equipped vessel will realize that some imagination is required to appreciate the similarities among this simple scheme and the "real thing." However, this circuit might adjunct a small model (of a submarine, perhaps) to add the dimension of sound.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
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