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Humidity Wall Fan circuit

Пример: Infrared control system

Humidity Wall Fan

Найдено: 17     Показано: 1 - 10

Deoderizer Fan Pushbutton Timer - A battery operated fan blows air accross a stinky pad. For use in a bathroom or car. I've seen similar circuits used in plastic pot-pourri containers.
Category: Разное
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Wall Clock Governor Drivers - These were common before the advent of quartz controlled stepping motor clocks.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Bathroom Deoderizer Control - That box you see on the wall in public washrooms. This is the type that has a little DC motor fan positioned above a small container containing a deoderant liquid or jelly, and runs off a D cell. The photocell turns off the fan when it gets dark. The LED flashes if the battery is good.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Ceiling Fan Speed Control - For one of those 3 or 4 blade decorative fans.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Deoderizer Fan Pushbutton Timer - A battery operated fan blows air accross a stinky pad. For use in a bathroom or car. I've seen similar circuits used in plastic pot-pourri containers.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Rechargeable Led Flashlight. This is the project of rechargeable flashlight using a high intensity red Jumbo Led. The main idea is to have a moderate source of light that will be ever at hand, without batteries to replace or light bulbs to change. It may be left plugged in the 110 vac wall outlet, ready for use.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Andy's (Le Magicien) Electronics Page
Infrared gate 2. This is an infrared gate with two sensors planned to use in the wall in the way behind a door.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Jap's electronic projects
220V live wire-in-wall scanner
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Jap's electronic projects
Wall Wart Information
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Electronic Hobby Information
Electric field detector. The circuit will come handy when you have to follow the mains wires buried in the wall or even water pipes provided they are not too far away (2-4cm max). (simple)
Category: Измерения
Source: Bubblegate
1 [2]
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