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SYSTEMS TYPE 384 circuit

Пример: Infrared control system


Найдено: 23     Показано: 1 - 10

Citroen Motronic's Systems (from manual Haynes)
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Category: Автомобиль
Source: CarSoft
Magic Systems MS-300 (Схема подключения- автосигнализация)
Category: Автомобиль
Source: CarSoft
Magic Systems MS-300 (Схема подключения- автосигнализация)
Category: Безопасность
Source: CarSoft
Bathroom Deoderizer Control - That box you see on the wall in public washrooms. This is the type that has a little DC motor fan positioned above a small container containing a deoderant liquid or jelly, and runs off a D cell. The photocell turns off the fan when it gets dark. The LED flashes if the battery is good.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Color Organ Light - Flashes coloured christmas type lightbulbs to music. This circuit works REALLY well. Notice how it will fire even in complete silence. This provides a sort of automatic gain control.
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Low Phase Noise Systems - Hints and Tips
Category: Генераторы
Source: Wenzel Associates
Low Phase Noise Systems - Hints and Tips
Category: Измерения
Source: Wenzel Associates
UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. This circuit controls a small, four-phase, five-wire, unipolar stepper motor, commonly designated the "KP4M4-001." This type of motor was used in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives in older computers. Now obsolete, such disk drives are often available on the surplus market for a small fraction of the motor's original cost. The stepper motors are easy to extract from the drives, and are ideal for many applications. This arrangement was used in the scale model of a RADAR set to control the position of a miniature parabolic antenna. (Note that some 5 1/4" floppy disk drives used a four-wire "bipolar" motor, which is not compatible with this circuit.)
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Category: Компьютер
Source: Art's Theremin Page
UNIPOLAR STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL CIRCUIT. This circuit controls a small, four-phase, five-wire, unipolar stepper motor, commonly designated the "KP4M4-001." This type of motor was used in many 5 1/4" floppy disk drives in older computers. Now obsolete, such disk drives are often available on the surplus market for a small fraction of the motor's original cost. The stepper motors are easy to extract from the drives, and are ideal for many applications. This arrangement was used in the scale model of a RADAR set to control the position of a miniature parabolic antenna. (Note that some 5 1/4" floppy disk drives used a four-wire "bipolar" motor, which is not compatible with this circuit.)
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Category: Моделирование/ Роботы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
Designing a 4-Channel A/D Application with the PIC12C671. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: How to build a 4-channel A/D converter using the PIC12C671. This application is excellent for building robotic guidance systems using light to control robotic behavior, serial volt-meters, hobby servo positioning systems, using arrays with PicBasic, you name it...! Lots of possibilities with this project.
Category: Моделирование/ Роботы
Source: Reynolds Electronics
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Каталог схем
PDA - интерфейсы и схемы Автозвук Автомобиль Аудио Безопасность Бытовая электроника Видео Видеокамеры Высоковольтные Генераторы Игры, развлечения Измерения Интерфейсы Коммутация Компьютер Медицина Моделирование/ Роботы Музыка Передатчики Питание Получение и накопление данных Предусилители Радио Разное Ремонт Ретро Свет/Лазер/ Cветодиоды/IR Сети Солнечная энергия Сотовая связь ТВ-Мониторы Телефония Управление двигателями Фильтры Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Electronic circuits Datasheets Каталог схем Принципиальные схемы
Drivers for LED dispays Data Logger for iButton LCD-module with MCS-51 Thermometers Dallas Semiconductor Work with EEPROM 24LCxx MSP430 with Flash-memory ATmega169 and AVR-Baterfly CAN interface USB interface
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