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Digital Signal Processing eBooks

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Digital Video Processing Digital Video Processing

by Murat A. Tekalp, A. Murat Tekalp
Format: Textbook Hardcover
Format: Hardcover, 560pp

In response to the boom in video processing, and multimedia systems and services, this book provides a comprehensive overview of video image processing. Covers the fundamentals of image and video compression and the emerging world standards for various video and image communication applications, including high-definition TV, multimedia workstations, videoconferencing, videophone, and mobile image communications. For electrical engineers, telecommunications managers, computer scientists, product planners, technical and market consultants, and all those interested in digital video image processing.

Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing

Author: Poularikas, Alexander
Publisher: CRC Press
Pages: 608

The book examines theories and applications of signal and image processing, compiling the essential equations for this field in one volume. Topics include filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals.

Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems Structure and Interpretation of Signals and Systems

Edward A. Lee, University of California, Berkeley
Pravin Varaiya, University of California, Berkeley
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Format: Cloth; 700 pp

The book is accompanied by a robust website with detailed notes and illustrative applets for most every topic. These applets include interactive manipulation of sound and images, making the material dynamic and understandable to all students.

The Scientist & Engineer`s Guide to Digital Signal Processing The Scientist & Engineer`s Guide to Digital Signal Processing

by Steven W. Smith
Hardcover: 626 pages
Publisher: California Technical Pub.; 1st ed edition (1997)

Clear and concise explanations of practical DSP techniques. Written for scientists and engineers needing the power of DSP, but not the abstract theory and detailed mathematics.
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