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Perl Programming Languages eBooks

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Effective Perl Programming Effective Perl Programming

by Joseph Hall
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; (December 30, 1997)

The book on Perl that experienced Perl programmers have been looking for, Effective Perl Programming explains idiomatic Perl, covering the latest release (Version 5). It includes information and useful examples about the structure, functions, and latest capabilities of the language, such as self-documenting object-oriented modules.

Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules

By Randal L. Schwartz
205 pages

Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules picks up where Learning Perl leaves off. This new book offers a gentle introduction to the world of references, object-oriented programming, and the use of Perl modules that form the backbone of any effective Perl program.

Learning Perl, 3rd Edition Learning Perl, 3rd Edition

By Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix
330 pages

Learning Perl is the quintessential tutorial for the Perl programming language. The third edition has not only been updated to Perl Version 5.6, but has also been rewritten from the ground up to reflect the needs of programmers learning Perl today.

Perl 6 Essentials Perl 6 Essentials

By Allison Randal, Dan Sugalski, Leopold Tötsch

Perl 6 Essentials is the first book that offers a peek into the next major version of the Perl language. Written by members of the Perl 6 core development team, the book covers the development not only of Perl 6 syntax but also Parrot, the language-independent interpreter developed as part of the Perl 6 design strategy. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of Perl. It will satisfy their curiosity and show how changes in the language will make it more powerful and easier to use.
Страницы: 1 [2] [ Perl ebooks ]
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