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network security for microsoft unix eBook

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

Найдено: 74     Показано: 41 - 44

Mac OS ® X Maximum Security Mac OS ® X Maximum Security

By John Ray, Dr. William Ray
Publisher : Sams Publishing
Pages : 500

While Mac OS X is becoming more and more stable with each release, its UNIX/BSD underpinnings have security implications that ordinary Mac users have never before been faced with. Mac OS X can be used as both a powerful Internet server, or, in the wrong hands, a very powerful attack launch point.

Wireless Security and Privacy: Best Practices and Design Techniques Wireless Security and Privacy: Best Practices and Design Techniques

Tara M. Swaminatha, Charles R. Elden
Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional
Format: Paper; 304 pp

Wireless security is certainly one of this year`s hot topics. Everybody is talking about wardriving, warchalking, and so on. Several software titles have been developed to help discover and/or protect wireless networks. There are wardriving events taking place where participants cruise around cities searching for vulnerable wireless networks, and the results are not that good - there are just too many insecure networks out there.

Security+ Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram SYO-101) Security+ Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram SYO-101)

Paperback: 528 pages
Publisher: Que; Bk&CD-Rom edition (April 10, 2003)

The Security+ certification is CompTIA`s answer to the market`s need for a baseline, vendor-neutral security certification. The IT industry recognizes there is a need to better train, staff, and empower those tasked with designing and implementing information security, and Security+ is an effort to meet this demand. Security+ will become the baseline certification for Microsoft`s new security certification initiative (to be announced in 2003).

IPSec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets, and Virtual Private Networks

   IPSec: The New Security Standard for the Internet, Intranets, and Virtual Private Networks

by Naganand Doraswamy / Dan Harkins
Prentice Hall PTR

Provides extensive coverage of IPSec architecture and protocols and instruction on how to deploy IPSec in Virtual Private Networks. DLC: IPSec (Computer network protocol) --This text refers to the Hardcover edition...

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Drivers for LED dispays Data Logger for iButton LCD-module with MCS-51 Thermometers Dallas Semiconductor Work with EEPROM 24LCxx MSP430 with Flash-memory ATmega169 and AVR-Baterfly CAN interface USB interface
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