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linux kernel programming eBook

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

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Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model

Format: Paperback, 878pp
Publisher: Microsoft Press

The Microsoft Windows driver model (WDM) supports Plug and Play, provides power management capabilities, and expands on the driver/minidriver approach. Written by long-time device-driver expert Walter Oney in cooperation with the Windows kernel team, this book provides extensive practical examples, illustrations, advice, and line-by-line analysis of code samples to clarify real-world driver-programming issues.

Beginning Linux Programming, Third Edition Beginning Linux Programming, Third Edition

by Neil Matthew, Richard Stones, Alan Cox
Paperback: 888 pages
Publisher: Wrox; 3 edition (December 22, 2003)

The book starts from the basics, explaining how to compile and run your first program. New to this edition are chapters on MySQL® access and administration; programming GNOME and KDE; and Linux standards for portable applications.

Understanding the Linux Kernel Understanding the Linux Kernel

By Daniel P. Bovet, Marco Cesati
1st Edition October 2000

Understanding the Linux Kernel helps readers understand how Linux performs best and how it meets the challenge of different environments. The authors introduce each topic by explaining its importance, and show how kernel operations relate to the utilities that are familiar to Unix programmers and users.

Interprocess Communications in Linux: The Nooks and Crannies Interprocess Communications in Linux: The Nooks and Crannies

by John Gray
Paper, 624 pp.

Understanding the concepts of processes and interprocess communications (IPC) is fundamental to developing software for Linux. This book zeroes right in on the key techniques of processes and interprocess communication, from primitive communications to the complexities of sockets. It covers every aspect of UNIX/Linux interprocess communications in sufficient detail to allow experienced programmers to begin writing useful code immediately.

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