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A Roadmap to Information Security eBook

Пример: Programmable Controllers Theory

Найдено: 36     Показано: 33 - 36

Microsoft® Encyclopedia of Security Microsoft® Encyclopedia of Security

Author Mitch Tulloch
Pages 480

Get the single resource that defines—and illustrates—the rapidly evolving world of computer and network security. The MICROSOFT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SECURITY delivers more than 1000 cross-referenced entries detailing the latest security-related technologies, standards, products, services, and issues—including sources and types of attacks, countermeasures, policies, and more.

Microsoft® Windows® Security Inside Out for Windows XP and Windows 2000 Microsoft® Windows® Security Inside Out for Windows XP and Windows 2000

Author Ed Bott and Carl Siechert
Pages 800

Hey, you know your way around Microsoft® Windows®–so now dig in and really put its security features to work! Covering Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, and Windows 2000 Professional, this supremely organized reference packs hundreds of timesaving solutions, troubleshooting tips, and handy workarounds–all in concise, fast-answer format.

Configuring Windows 2000 Server Security Configuring Windows 2000 Server Security

by Thomas W. Shinder, Debra Littlejohn
Shinder, D. Lynn White. Technical Editor: Stace Cunningham. 2000
Format: 400 pages

Security. What comes to your mind when you hear the word? Do you think of the person
standing in the dark alley who wants to harm you as you walk by? Or do you think about whether your
house will be safe while you are on vacation?

Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security

by James Stanger, Patrick T. Lane
Paperback: 704 pages
Publisher: Syngress

The Linux operating system continues to gain market share, based largely on its reputation as the most secure operating system available. The challenge faced by system administrators is that Linux is secure only if installed and configured properly, constantly and meticulously updated, and carefully integrated with a wide variety of Open Source security tools.

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