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KAZUS.RU - Ýëåêòðîííûé ïîðòàë. Ïðèíöèïèàëüíûå ñõåìû, Datasheets, Ôîðóì ïî ýëåêòðîíèêå

и ии 140608 analog circuit

Ïðèìåð: Infrared control system

Íàéäåíî: 29     Ïîêàçàíî: 1 - 10

ROTATING SPROCKET WHEEL LISSAJÓUS GENERATOR. The circuit described here utilizes a Lissajóus-pattern generator in conjunction with any typical analog oscilloscope capable of displaying x- and y-axis waveforms. The circuit displays an image of a slowly clockwise-rotating, six-tooth sprocket wheel. It employs several interesting techniques, including a digital timebase generator, a sine-cosine ("quadrature") synthesizer comprised of two finite-impulse response filters, and an amplitude commutator.
[ ôàéë â ôîðìàòå rar ] - ñêà÷àòü WinRAR
Category: Ãåíåðàòîðû
Source: Art's Theremin Page
ROTATING SPROCKET WHEEL LISSAJÓUS GENERATOR. The circuit described here utilizes a Lissajóus-pattern generator in conjunction with any typical analog oscilloscope capable of displaying x- and y-axis waveforms. The circuit displays an image of a slowly clockwise-rotating, six-tooth sprocket wheel. It employs several interesting techniques, including a digital timebase generator, a sine-cosine ("quadrature") synthesizer comprised of two finite-impulse response filters, and an amplitude commutator.
[ ôàéë â ôîðìàòå rar ] - ñêà÷àòü WinRAR
Category: Èçìåðåíèÿ
Source: Art's Theremin Page
Analog Switch - Oscilloscope
Category: Èçìåðåíèÿ
Source: The Multimedia Electronic Literature & Learning Internet Site
Analog Signal Acquisition for PC Printer Port
Category: Êîìïüþòåð
Source: Circuits Arñhive- University of Washington
PicBasic Experiments With The PIC16F877. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: Using the PIC16F877 A/D Converter. This example displays 3-channels of analog input on an LCD display.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
8-Pin, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller with A/D Converter. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: Using the 8-Pin PIC12C671 with PicBasic.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Using the Onboard 8-Bit A/D Converter of the PIC12C67X. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC:
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Designing a 4-Channel A/D Application with the PIC12C671. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: How to build a 4-channel A/D converter using the PIC12C671. This application is excellent for building robotic guidance systems using light to control robotic behavior, serial volt-meters, hobby servo positioning systems, using arrays with PicBasic, you name it...! Lots of possibilities with this project.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
"Serial Relay Controller" with the PIC12C671. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: Designing a simple I/O expander or serial relay controller using the inexpensive, 8-pin, PIC12C671.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Ìèêðîêîíòðîëëåð ôèðìû Analog Devices ADuC812
Category: Öèôðîâûå/ Ìèêðîêîíòðîëëåðû
Source: Radioland ñòðàíà ýëåêòðîíèêè
1 [2] [3]
[06/02/2019] Êîíôåðåíöèÿ â ÌÃÒÓ èì. Áàóìàíà «Òåõíîëîãèè ðàçðàáîòêè è îòëàäêè ñëîæíûõ òåõíè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì» 2019
[09/05/2018] Ãðàíäèîçíàÿ ìàéñêàÿ ðàñïðîäàæà íà Gearbest!
[16/05/2017] Ñ 15 ïî 17 ìàÿ â ìàãàçèíå Gearbest ïðîõîäèò ãðàíäèîçíûé ôëýøñåéë
[10/05/2017] Òàê ÷òî æå òàêîå Ñïèííåð?
[05/12/2016] Íîâûé Ãîä è Ðîæäåñòâî ñ GearBest!
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Drivers for LED dispays Data Logger for iButton LCD-module with MCS-51 Thermometers Dallas Semiconductor Work with EEPROM 24LCxx MSP430 with Flash-memory ATmega169 and AVR-Baterfly CAN interface USB interface
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