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265W-power amp circuit circuit

Пример: Infrared control system

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Neon Sign Transformers- Power (XFMR's)- Tesla Coil
Category: Высоковольтные
Source: Kilo Volt 2000
TV Flyback Transformers- Power (XFMR's)- Tesla Coil
Category: Высоковольтные
Source: Kilo Volt 2000
Low Current, High Voltage Power Supply
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Category: Высоковольтные
Source: Electronics 2000
High Voltage High Current Power Supply
Category: Высоковольтные
Source: Aarons Homepage
TWIN-T AUDIO SINE WAVE OSCILLATOR. This circuit produces a clean sine wave signal ideal for audio testing, or wherever a good-quality sine voltage source is required. It uses only one integrated circuit which is a common dual operational amplifier, the Texas Instruments TL072CP. The values shown provide an output frequency of about 1000 Hertz. This frequency may be varied over a wide range, using the formula shown in the schematic.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
AUDIO SWEEP OSCILATOR. This circuit was designed for a sound effect, but may serve other useful purposes when a basic, swept-frequency audio source is required. It produces both square and triangular wave outputs that ascend from about 80 to 730 Hertz in a repeating cycle of about 12 seconds. Appropriate component-value substitutions will yield variations in these parameters.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
ECHO TONE OSCILLATOR. This simple circuit amplitude-modulates a single tone in such a manner to approximate the echo effect one might obtain, for instance, with sonar apparatus. Any reader who has been on a sonar-equipped vessel will realize that some imagination is required to appreciate the similarities among this simple scheme and the "real thing." However, this circuit might adjunct a small model (of a submarine, perhaps) to add the dimension of sound.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
ROTATING SPROCKET WHEEL LISSAJУUS GENERATOR. The circuit described here utilizes a Lissajуus-pattern generator in conjunction with any typical analog oscilloscope capable of displaying x- and y-axis waveforms. The circuit displays an image of a slowly clockwise-rotating, six-tooth sprocket wheel. It employs several interesting techniques, including a digital timebase generator, a sine-cosine ("quadrature") synthesizer comprised of two finite-impulse response filters, and an amplitude commutator.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
DIGITAL NOISE GENERATOR. This circuit produces a repeating sequence of serial data that contains attributes useful for emulating audible noise.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
Universal Flasher Circuit (15k) This trouble-free two-wire flasher is indespensible.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Wenzel Associates
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Каталог схем
PDA - интерфейсы и схемы Автозвук Автомобиль Аудио Безопасность Бытовая электроника Видео Видеокамеры Высоковольтные Генераторы Игры, развлечения Измерения Интерфейсы Коммутация Компьютер Медицина Моделирование/ Роботы Музыка Передатчики Питание Получение и накопление данных Предусилители Радио Разное Ремонт Ретро Свет/Лазер/ Cветодиоды/IR Сети Солнечная энергия Сотовая связь ТВ-Мониторы Телефония Управление двигателями Фильтры Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Electronic circuits Datasheets Каталог схем Принципиальные схемы
Drivers for LED dispays Data Logger for iButton LCD-module with MCS-51 Thermometers Dallas Semiconductor Work with EEPROM 24LCxx MSP430 with Flash-memory ATmega169 and AVR-Baterfly CAN interface USB interface
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