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light effect circuit

Пример: Infrared control system

Найдено: 136     Показано: 21 - 30

ECHO TONE OSCILLATOR. This simple circuit amplitude-modulates a single tone in such a manner to approximate the echo effect one might obtain, for instance, with sonar apparatus. Any reader who has been on a sonar-equipped vessel will realize that some imagination is required to appreciate the similarities among this simple scheme and the "real thing." However, this circuit might adjunct a small model (of a submarine, perhaps) to add the dimension of sound.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
Light/Dark Detector
Category: Измерения
Source: Aarons Homepage
Light show. Computer parallel port can be used for many purposes. One of them could be user circuit control, for example light effect.
Category: Компьютер
Source: Saulius Krauleda home page
Light Chaser - A Modified MOVIT Robot: it seeks the brightest light and runs towards it! It has two motors (left & right) in order to make the turns; on top two light sensors (photodiodes) separated by a PC board in order to simulate "a nose".
Category: Моделирование/ Роботы
Source: Andy's (Le Magicien) Electronics Page
Designing a 4-Channel A/D Application with the PIC12C671. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: How to build a 4-channel A/D converter using the PIC12C671. This application is excellent for building robotic guidance systems using light to control robotic behavior, serial volt-meters, hobby servo positioning systems, using arrays with PicBasic, you name it...! Lots of possibilities with this project.
Category: Моделирование/ Роботы
Source: Reynolds Electronics
AUDIO SWEEP OSCILATOR. This circuit was designed for a sound effect, but may serve other useful purposes when a basic, swept-frequency audio source is required. It produces both square and triangular wave outputs that ascend from about 80 to 730 Hertz in a repeating cycle of about 12 seconds. Appropriate component-value substitutions will yield variations in these parameters.
[ файл в формате rar ] - скачать WinRAR
Category: Музыка
Source: Art's Theremin Page
[ файл в формате zip ] - скачать WinZip 8.1
Category: Музыка
Source: Electronics 2000
Guitar Fuzz Effect
Category: Музыка
Source: Aarons Homepage
Flickering Fire Light - LED or Bulb flicker shimmer randomly like candle flame or fire
Category: Свет/Лазер/ Cветодиоды/IR
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
Color Organ Light - Flashes coloured christmas type lightbulbs to music. This circuit works REALLY well. Notice how it will fire even in complete silence. This provides a sort of automatic gain control.
Category: Свет/Лазер/ Cветодиоды/IR
Source: Interesting Schematics - Novotill
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Каталог схем
PDA - интерфейсы и схемы Автозвук Автомобиль Аудио Безопасность Бытовая электроника Видео Видеокамеры Высоковольтные Генераторы Игры, развлечения Измерения Интерфейсы Коммутация Компьютер Медицина Моделирование/ Роботы Музыка Передатчики Питание Получение и накопление данных Предусилители Радио Разное Ремонт Ретро Свет/Лазер/ Cветодиоды/IR Сети Солнечная энергия Сотовая связь ТВ-Мониторы Телефония Управление двигателями Фильтры Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Electronic circuits Datasheets Каталог схем Принципиальные схемы
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