Найдено: 45 Показано: 31 - 40
Микроконтроллеры фирмы Infineon (б. Siemens) с архитектурой MCS-51 Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Radioland страна электроники
| 16-разрядные микроконтроллеры фирмы Infineon Technologies (б. Siemens) Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Radioland страна электроники
| DIGITAL NOISE GENERATOR. This circuit produces a repeating sequence of serial data that contains attributes useful for emulating audible noise. [ файл в формате rar ] - скачать WinRAR Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Art's Theremin Page
| 433.92 MHz RF Remote Control. Use the BASIC Stamp or PicBasic serout commands to control the transmitter and serin for the receiver to create powerful communications links, robotics control applications, you name it -- With an operating range up to 400+ feet, these tiny RF modules make the addition of RF remote control or wireless data communications very affordable, and they are incredibly simple to use. The TWS-434 & RWS-434 TX/RX combination can be used with direct asynchronous serial data, and are an excellent choice for BASIC Stamp, PIC, 8051 applications, and home remote control systems. Build remote data-logging applications, or robot colonies that communicate via RF links.. Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Reynolds Electronics
| Smart lock (12C508A). The base sends a data sequency (the password) which is recognized by the key. The key checks the sequency and -if it recognises it -sends to the base another data sequency, as an answer to the password. At the time when the base gets a correct answer (which means that the key has been introduced), the relay is put into action, and it can command a number of consummers. Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Fumil's digital stuff
| Experimental laser data link Category: Цифровые/ Микроконтроллеры Source: Tomi Engdahl's Electronics Pages
| WinTariff - программа тарификации и учета звонков АТС Panasonic, Samsung, NEC, Siemens, Lucent, Ericsson, Karel, MultiCom под Windows Category: Телефония Source: PBXsoftware
| DialExpert business - программа для инженерного и управленческого анализа телефонного трафика АТС: Panasonic, LG, Samsung, Nortel, Siemens, Lucent3Avaya, Telrad, Tadiran, Alcatel, Coral, 2N, Bosch, Philips, Minitel, Harris, Ericson, MultiCom, KBAHT и мн.др.,под Windows. Category: Телефония Source: PBXsoftware
| Self made data-logger V2.5 (second edition)
Category: Получение и накопление данных Source: http://home.germany.net/
| Filter Circuit for the Earthworm Seismic Data Acquisition System
[ файл в формате pdf ] - скачать Acrobat Reader Category: Фильтры Source: http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/
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