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Busy tone detector circuit

Пример: Infrared control system

Найдено: 207     Показано: 41 - 50

Metal Detector
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Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Electronics 2000
Light Detector Circuit
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Circuit Exchange International
Rain Detector (15k) Stick this out the window instead of your hand. Weather Circuits.
[ файл в формате pdf ] - скачать Acrobat Reader
Category: Бытовая электроника
Source: Wenzel Associates
ECHO TONE OSCILLATOR. This simple circuit amplitude-modulates a single tone in such a manner to approximate the echo effect one might obtain, for instance, with sonar apparatus. Any reader who has been on a sonar-equipped vessel will realize that some imagination is required to appreciate the similarities among this simple scheme and the "real thing." However, this circuit might adjunct a small model (of a submarine, perhaps) to add the dimension of sound.
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Category: Генераторы
Source: Art's Theremin Page
555 Tone Generator (8 Ohm Speaker)
Category: Генераторы
Source: Bowdens Hobby Circuits
A frequency meter metal detector. We have designed the metal detector, the principle of operation which one differs from the classic schemes (BFO, transmit-receive known as "two-boxes" metal detector, inductive). Our device has a simple design and one has the quite good characteristics.
Category: Измерения
Source: Yuri Kolokolov's Home Page
Electric field detector. The circuit will come handy when you have to follow the mains wires buried in the wall or even water pipes provided they are not too far away (2-4cm max). (simple)
Category: Измерения
Source: Bubblegate
Sensitive geomagnetic detector. This is a rather sensitive circuit which will detect minute variations of a magnetic field, particularly the Earth magnetic field. (simple)
Category: Измерения
Source: Bubblegate
Seismic detector (simple)
Category: Измерения
Source: Bubblegate
Geomagneticfield detector (simple)
Category: Измерения
Source: Bubblegate
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