Ðåêëàìà íà ñàéòå | Ïîìîùü ñàéòó   English version | Free likes 
KAZUS.RU - Ýëåêòðîííûé ïîðòàë. Ïðèíöèïèàëüíûå ñõåìû, Datasheets, Ôîðóì ïî ýëåêòðîíèêå

ии technics av control stereo receiver sa-gx280 circuit

Ïðèìåð: Infrared control system

Íàéäåíî: 192     Ïîêàçàíî: 71 - 80

The Fire-Stick. The ULTIMATE infrared remote control system, with up to (100-Foot) operating range.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Robotics & Remote Control: Building an RF Remote Control System For Robotics Control. How to build a 9600 baud, serially controlled, RF remote control system for your robotics applications using the TWS-434/RWS-434 RF modules with PicBasic.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Using PicBasic with the PIC16F84 PIC Microcontroller. Creating & Using Asynchronous Serial Solutions: How to build your own 12-Pin I/O-expander using the PIC16F84 and PicBasic. This project will control up to 12 individual relays through a serial connection to your PC or other asynchronous serial interface.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Controlling Hobby Servo Motors: Controlling hobby servo motors with PicBasic through the PC serial port. This project uses the PIC16F84 to interface to the PC serial port, and includes FREE Visual Basic software to control up to 7 hobby servo motors attached to your PC.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Building a Serial Servo Motor Controller. Controlling Hobby Servo Motors: Servo-Commander. This article shows how to program the PIC16F84 to control up to 8 hobby servo motors with the PIC and PC serial port. This article includes the complete PicBasic code and full Visual Basic "Servo-Commander" software.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Controlling Hobby Servo Motors: How to build your own addressable serial servo controllers using the 8-pin PIC12C671. Control a ton of servo motors with a single I/O-pin, and ad the ability to move many servos at the exact same time with one serial command line.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Designing a 4-Channel A/D Application with the PIC12C671. Analog to Digital & Using The 8-Pin PIC: How to build a 4-channel A/D converter using the PIC12C671. This application is excellent for building robotic guidance systems using light to control robotic behavior, serial volt-meters, hobby servo positioning systems, using arrays with PicBasic, you name it...! Lots of possibilities with this project.
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
433.92 MHz RF Remote Control. Use the BASIC Stamp or PicBasic serout commands to control the transmitter and serin for the receiver to create powerful communications links, robotics control applications, you name it -- With an operating range up to 400+ feet, these tiny RF modules make the addition of RF remote control or wireless data communications very affordable, and they are incredibly simple to use. The TWS-434 & RWS-434 TX/RX combination can be used with direct asynchronous serial data, and are an excellent choice for BASIC Stamp, PIC, 8051 applications, and home remote control systems. Build remote data-logging applications, or robot colonies that communicate via RF links..
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Reynolds Electronics
Speed Control with PIC chip
[ ôàéë â ôîðìàòå zip ] - ñêà÷àòü WinZip 8.1
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: Radio Controlled Models (Ðàäèîóïðàâëÿåìûå Ìîäåëè)
PWM DC Motor Speed Control (This is a circuit for controlling the speed of small DC motors, it makes a great model railroad speed control.)
Category: Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû
Source: FC's Electronic Circuits
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[06/02/2019] Êîíôåðåíöèÿ â ÌÃÒÓ èì. Áàóìàíà «Òåõíîëîãèè ðàçðàáîòêè è îòëàäêè ñëîæíûõ òåõíè÷åñêèõ ñèñòåì» 2019
[09/05/2018] Ãðàíäèîçíàÿ ìàéñêàÿ ðàñïðîäàæà íà Gearbest!
[16/05/2017] Ñ 15 ïî 17 ìàÿ â ìàãàçèíå Gearbest ïðîõîäèò ãðàíäèîçíûé ôëýøñåéë
[10/05/2017] Òàê ÷òî æå òàêîå Ñïèííåð?
[05/12/2016] Íîâûé Ãîä è Ðîæäåñòâî ñ GearBest!
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PDA - èíòåðôåéñû è ñõåìû Àâòîçâóê Àâòîìîáèëü Àóäèî Áåçîïàñíîñòü Áûòîâàÿ ýëåêòðîíèêà Âèäåî Âèäåîêàìåðû Âûñîêîâîëüòíûå Ãåíåðàòîðû Èãðû, ðàçâëå÷åíèÿ Èçìåðåíèÿ Èíòåðôåéñû Êîììóòàöèÿ Êîìïüþòåð Ìåäèöèíà Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå/ Ðîáîòû Ìóçûêà Ïåðåäàò÷èêè Ïèòàíèå Ïîëó÷åíèå è íàêîïëåíèå äàííûõ Ïðåäóñèëèòåëè Ðàäèî Ðàçíîå Ðåìîíò Ðåòðî Ñâåò/Ëàçåð/ Câåòîäèîäû/IR Ñåòè Ñîëíå÷íàÿ ýíåðãèÿ Ñîòîâàÿ ñâÿçü ÒÂ-Ìîíèòîðû Òåëåôîíèÿ Óïðàâëåíèå äâèãàòåëÿìè Ôèëüòðû Öèôðîâûå/ Ìèêðîêîíòðîëëåðû Electronic circuits Datasheets Êàòàëîã ñõåì Ïðèíöèïèàëüíûå ñõåìû
Drivers for LED dispays Data Logger for iButton LCD-module with MCS-51 Thermometers Dallas Semiconductor Work with EEPROM 24LCxx MSP430 with Flash-memory ATmega169 and AVR-Baterfly CAN interface USB interface
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